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Interview Questions That You May Wish To Ask The Interviewer(s)

  • Take a note pad and pen/pencil and ask if it is in order to make and refer to notes during the interview
  • Be prepared to ask plenty of relevant questions that show you are interested e.g. future plans of the Company/position, how long has the company been in business, who are their main competitors
  • Enquire about the Company’s growth plans
  • Ask about the Company culture/ethos
  • Establish training opportunities and career development prospects etc
  • Ask for an outline of the duties and responsibilities of the position, including a description of a typical day/week
  • Establish how many employees the Company has and whether there is more than one location
  • Ask about staff retention levels
  • Establish why the current vacancy has arisen
  • Ask for a broad description of the people/team that you will be working with
  • Ask about the interview process e.g. How many stages are there to the process and what is the timescale for making a decision
  • Confirm the salary and benefits with your Recruitment Consultant prior to attending the interview rather than initiating discussions at the interview. If there are negotiations regarding salary and benefits package leave your Recruitment Consultant to negotiate on your behalf, but have a clear understanding of what you are seeking and what you will be prepared to accept